Combining my passions.

Combining my passions.

January 22, 2016

Twenty years ago I was finishing up high school and coming to the realization that I was passionate about two things:  math and art.  I ultimately chose to pursue a degree in art at Temple University's Tyler School of Art.  I was drawn to Tyler not only for their amazing art programs, but also their affiliation with Temple University.

Upon arriving at Tyler I was set to major in Graphic Design.  I signed up for all of the intro classes (as well as an elective in Jewelry and Metalsmithing just for fun).  By my sophomore year I was ready to declare myself a Metals Major.  I loved design, but I could not pull myself away from the fascinating world of jewelry and metalsmithing.

I would eventually return to Graphic Design after graduation, though this time in a professional, not academic, capacity.  I spent six years working in direct-mail advertising, followed by an additional six years doing off-and-on freelance graphic design work.  I have a sincere passion for graphic design, and oddly enough, advertising.  But even still, the jewelry studio was calling me back.

In spring of 2015 we began construction of my jewelry studio.  By early fall it was up and operational.  I'm still in the process of finding my voice again after so many years, but I'm happy to say that I'm focused on combining my passion for graphics by incorporating etched patterns and designs on my metal.

Etching allows me to express myself in new and exciting ways.  The same piece of jewelry can have a totally different personality depending on the art that is etched into it.  This extra element makes designing my work both fun and exhilarating.  I'm looking forward to finding new and innovative ways to combine my passions as I continue on my creative journey.

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Also in On the bench

Concept to creation.
Concept to creation.

July 13, 2017

Every piece I make begins with a sketch, but I don't have a single drawing on paper. After spending 12+ years as a graphic designer, a mouse feels more natural in my hand than a pencil. So my sketching is done on my Mac.

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Etched in silver.
Etched in silver.

October 18, 2016

Etching has been a favorite process of mine ever since I first learned the technique at Tyler School of Art, in Philadelphia back in the late '90s. I loved the idea of combining patterns and images with metal.

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Thank you.
Thank you.

February 12, 2016

As I prepare for Pepperbush Jewelry to go live I am overwhelmed with gratitude. The list of people I want to thank is long, and while I wouldn't be here without each and every one of the amazing people who have supported me along the way, I need to single out a few:

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